Thursday, February 5, 2009

YAY for Weeding!!!

So I figured out today that I like weeding (not the garden kind)...the one that takes place in libraries. It's kind of exciting to find mis-shelved books, superseded materials such as U.S.S.R books, penciled art on bookshelves (now that I think about it...I should have taken a picture of it before I had it cleaned.) Anyway, in my library I had a vision of using the tops of all the shelves as display space for books. A few months ago, I shifted the juvenile fiction. This time, I enlisted the help of a few people. AND IT LOOKS our juvenile non-fiction section. I feel like 110% better. My librarian feng shui is so great! I can breathe. Ok so maybe some of you may think I'm a dork about this library stuff, but this task was a huge one. Kids are so visually minded that I believe that this shift will make a huge difference in juvenile non-fiction circulation. Also, this shift was for my collection development benefit. This gave me a chance to really see what books/resources my department has or lacks. No I can sleep easier.

1 comment:

Biker Librarian said...

I completely understand your excitement in this. It's like having a new library when you reorganize. By the way, I'm glad you can breathe now. Blue wasn't a good color for you.