Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Libraries in economic crisis?...thanks ALA

The American Library Association recently developed a new toolkit named "Advocating in a Tough Economy". In case you don't know what a toolkit (in regards to library terminology) is...it's basically references/ideas to help you make your job easier. In this specific toolkit, ALA has given us "tools" on how we can support libraries in different community capacities. They address issues like how one should approach the media and local government officials, what to say or what to wear at meetings, etc, etc. I highly recommend it to those who are trying to find ways to sing the praises of the library!!! I like to remember the 3 P's---Preparation, Practice and Passion. The last P is my favorite because it is the selling point for any audience. It is utimately what shines through...:)


maggie moran said...

The dressing appropriately has me wondering - Do they want you to look needy? Just wondering what meeting attire is going to get UR library funded?

Mara said...

I really got a kick out of what their suggestions were because (as you know) fashion is not a high priority for many librarians. ALA suggests business atire which is bright and bold...etc etc.

maggie moran said...

Oh, No! Hasn't anyone told them jewel tones are out! :P

I'm heading to Denver tomorrow for Midwinter! Talk about some odd combinations of clothing. Maybe, I'll take some pics. ;)